

Maintaining compliance is essential to sustaining your foundation’s mission and impact. Adhering to IRS regulations, including private foundation distribution rules and minimum distribution requirements, promotes transparency, protects your foundation’s tax-exempt status, and ensures continued giving. Our compliance services provide expert guidance to help your foundation meet regulatory obligations with ease, keeping you focused on your philanthropic goals.

  • We stay on top of the latest filing requirements, so you don't have to.

    In addition to tax returns, your foundation is required by law to complete additional filings. Ensuring compliance with all legal obligations is our priority. We diligently manage the filing of required forms, guaranteeing that your foundation remains fully compliant with all applicable laws.

  • Acknowledging donations into your foundation is required. We take care of this for you.

    Whenever a donation is made into your private foundation the donations need to be acknowledged in writing. We ensure that all donations are properly acknowledged to ensure compliance.

  • We stay on top of your Distribution requirements and ensure that you know what is required.

    Private foundations need to pay out a specific amount in grants and eligible expenses each year. Failure to pay out the minimum results in a 30% tax on the unpaid amounts. We track these amounts and ensure that they are communicated to you so that you are never unaware of your pay out requirements.


Ready to take your philanthropy to new heights?

Contact us today to schedule a free phone consultation.