Level up.

Your in-house accounting team is the lifeblood of your foundation, keeping the lights on and the grant monies flowing. But maybe your systems aren’t working as well as they could, or your staff simply needs more training to grasp the many complexities of foundation accounting and compliance. The result is valuable time lost, or even worse, failure to meet the needs of your grantees. We can help.


Flexibility, efficiency and security

From everyday tasks like journal entries, to how you process grant payments or reconcile your accounts. Every aspect of your operation is managed by a series of systems that may, or may not, be working as well as they could. We assess your current systems to help identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan for new systems and processes that meets the needs of your current team and any future growth, and oversee implementation.



Your flight plan for day-to-day finance operations

Detailed policies and procedures play a critical role in maintaining transparency, integrity and efficiency. These guidelines ensure that your foundation's financial resources are managed effectively and responsibly, with strict adherence to legal and ethical standards, while providing a clear roadmap for financial decision-making, mitigating risks of mismanagement or misuse of funds. They also enhance accountability and foster trust among stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, and regulatory bodies. Regular reviews and updates of these policies keep your foundation's operations agile and resilient.